Beech of the Week


Law Ball Beech

Wow !!! It’s been a while since we’ve posted anything on our blog! But as a reassurance to all the dozens of people who read this, the beeching has not stopped. No no. Far from it friends! We’ve even added a new member to our group of avid beechers.

Meet Ryan everyone!

You may remember Ryan from way back in October when he joined me in some platonic beeching fun during Oktoberfest. Since then a romance between us has blossomed and now we along with the Ramage-Whites find ourselves dressing up and going out on the town with our beeching faces ready to pose. So I present to you…

LAW PROM: 2008

Whenever there’s a lot of people in a small space, beeching abounds! Here we see Ryan cramping shiny black hair woman of mystery’s style.

I just found it fun to open my eyes wide behind awkward conversations.

Megan and Ryan did a signature BFF beech at a safe distance behind dread man…

Megan’s hair was so awesome, it beeched this dude’s pinstripe suit!


CEO Beech

You know, I think I've got a passion for beeching really important people. It's just such a rush!

Meet Kristina everyone! Kristina and I both work at an anonymous online university in the registrar's office where we do things like count credits and change grades all day. How exciting. Here's Kristina with her boyfriend Matt. Oh my god, too adorable. I'm going to vomit!

Anyway said online university holds a big gala party every year and this year there was some beeching that was going on! Kristina helped me out by being my photog. My goal of the night was to beech the CEO of the online university of which we are employed. It was going to be tricky since I was wearing a green sequined dress. And I guess if things went terribly awry I could have potentially lost my job (though I think I just say this to add suspense to the story).

With Kristina carefully in place with the camera I snuck up behind our oh-so beechable CEO (in the blue) and gave it my best beeching shot! Hooray! Although I think lady in the red flowery coat was onto me, it was totally worth it.

The best part was explaining what I had just done to him afterward. He had no idea what I was talking about. Good thing he also had no idea who I was.

More beeching to come soon!! (I hope)


St. Louis Arch!

So my friend Eric went to St. Louis a few weeks ago and there were many photo opportunities for him to test his beeching skills. Look at these submissions he's submitted! (I must say, he put an interesting twist on things...)

Awww. Look at that super cute picture of Andy and Ashley in front of the famous Arch! They are such a cute and touristy couple. Even the sun added a little glint of perfectness to their memory of St. Louis. Oh special day!

But gasp! Upon further inspection (and picture taking) it looks like there was more going on than a tourist moment. It looks like Eric decided to beech the act of taking a picture! Very creative Eric. Bravo! While it is obvious that Andy and Ashley are aware of this beech (how could they not?) I still give points to Eric because of his twist on things. Plus photographer Fred has no clue that his "art" is being beeched. Yay St. Louis Arch!

So since Eric was the only one who supplied any pictures this week, I guess he gets Beech of the Week by default. Yay Eric!


October Fun!

Goodness, it's been awhile since anything has gone up on Beech of the Week. I guess that doesn't really make it Beech of the Week as much as "Every Once in a While Beech". But just because the blog hasn't been updated in a while doesn't mean that Beeching hasn't been taking place! I had a couple excursions throughout the month of October where Beeching totally happened. Let's take a look, shall we?

I went to Gastof's at the beginning of October to celebrate the one and only Oktoberfest by drinking lots of beer and beeching some unsuspecting beer tent attendees. I just want to say congratulations to Becca who was my photog on the following pictures. She started off a little slow, but totally ended up capturing a very wortwhile beech!

I think Becca tripped over the Hammerschlagen game while focusing in on me popping out behind this guy while good ol' Ryan glared on over his beer.

An example of a failed Beech at it's best! Ryan here would have been golden had it not been for my uncanny capacity to tap into my peripheral vision. Ted ended up with a good face though...

And Becca redeems herself by capturing me and my crazy toothy frown behind white hat dude who apparently needs to balance his beer on his hip! Yay Oktoberfest!

Now for the second batch. I performed with my sweet improv group a few days ago and the cameras were whipped out for lots of silly photos...

Here's a partial Beech because I was aware (believe it or not) that the picture was being taken. However, I was NOT aware of the craziness behind me! Nate and Courtney totally worked their beeching magic!

And then there was John... (note: I sang St. Vincent's song "Marry Me John" to him that night... I hope he didn't get any ideas)

My teacher John Haynes was the guy who set me out on the famed "Beech Greg" excursion. On Tuesday night, we thought it would be a valiant effort to beech John ourselves. Nothing like making a fool of your teacher, right? (even though he makes a fool of himself on a regular basis)

Too bad he caught us on our first attempt. So I thought I'd take a picture of this guy pretending to go down on him with some beer instead...


However, we were able to distract him enough with our wit and humor to get this great beech of him. I think we lose a few points because Nick's arm is blocking part of his face, but Josh really pulled off a great face! And if we look closely, Tyson is in on the action as well. The best part is that John has NO CLUE! After this one, I think we were the most popular kids in the bar for about 2 minutes. Sweet!

John! You just got Beeched!

More Beeching to come! Word on the street is that I'm getting a submission soon. Yay!


Our First Submissions!

So I told my friends at work about our sweet beeching blog and it looks like they've been inspired to go out on their own beeching excursions! Let's take a look, shall we?

Looks like Scott here got the urge to beech at an art opening of sorts. While the photo quality isn't the best, we can definitely see his valiant attempt of beeching the one and only Scott Seekins! From what co-worker Scott told me, Scott Seekins is an artist who can be spotted from time to time in the uptown Minneapolis area. You know you've had a Seekins sighting when you come across a "Prince"-clad man dressed either entirely in white or black (depending on the season). Here's a sweet article I found about him:

If we look closely at this beech, Seekins is totally unaware of the beeching that is taking place right in front of him! Scott, way to go! I think Scott Seekins beeching could be our next beeching mission if we're not careful. Watch out south Minneapolis!

Our next submission comes from co-worker Ryan who sent this over to me this morning. All I can say is wow. Not only do we have great proximity going on here, we also have an incredibly awesome pose by the passed out beech-ee. Of course Ryan's proximity is kind of a given due to the unconsciousness of his target, but the pose and face really add to this beech. Yay!

That's all I've got for now. Hey! Everyone should copy Scott and Ryan and send in more beeching submissions. The more the merrier. Also feel free to add your own commentary if you feel it necessary!

To Scott Seekins and passed-out dude: You just got Beeched!


Improv Beech

Our mission Beech took a lot out of us. Therefore, we've been rather inactive as of late. However here is a half Beech that my improv friends and I were a part of. Photog Courtney told us all to pose, so we did. Looks like Mike made quite the Beeching face in the background there and none of us were aware! Yay Mike! I hope your retinas are still attached after that one!


Mission Beech

So we had our first official beech challenge last weekend and I must say it was definitely a fun and exciting adventure. It all started in my improv class last week when I mentioned to everyone that we had beeched Al Franken. Of course, no one knew what I was talking about so I had to explain our wonderful photography game. To my surprise, my instructor was quite amused. So much so, in fact, he offered all of us a "Beech Challenge"...

Meet Greg, everyone! Greg was in my level one improv class which ended last month. He has since decided that he loves improv, but he's not going to pursue level two improv with us at this time. My instructor John Haynes thought Greg to be the perfect target for this Beech Challenge he was proposing. What exactly was at stake? John said whoever could beech Greg, would get the next level of class for free! And I won't broadcast exact amounts, but whoever was successful was going to save a bunch of money.

Being the Beecher I am, I told Megan about the challenge I had been faced with. With our combined efforts, a tip-off from classmate Nick and Megan's magic internet skills, we were able to track down Greg enough to speculate his presence at a 5K race in Chanhassen on Saturday morning. Let's see how things panned out...

We traveled to Chanhassen early Saturday morning in hopes of finding Greg at the Dave Huffman Memorial 5K race.

And he was there! But I discovered that Beeching Greg is a lot of work! I had to follow him at a distance for quite some time…

And even though he had just run roughly three miles, he still was aware of his surroundings enough to recognize me in my disguise (aka hat and sunglasses). So I did a ¾ Beech with him as he was talking to me. Can you say awkward? I can!

(note: the above Beech is ¾ because Greg was aware of my presence, however I still was able to pull off a pretty good face considering the predicament I was in…)

Just when we were about to give up on Beeching Greg, we found him hanging out with some fellow runners (one of which has a hat way cooler than mine). And so the Beeching attempts began…

And then success! We Beeched Greg!

Special thanks to my friends Megan (my awesome photog) and Matt (lone creepy dude with a video camera) for helping me out!

So in the end we were very successful! I turned in the previous photographic documentation to John, and after laughing with an adequate amount of surprise, he granted me my level three class for free! Yay!

But I must say the real hero in this whole exciting adventure is Greg. I mean, he was a target and didn't even know it and he didn't even think twice about "randomly" seeing me at the race. I got to meet his wife and kids who were totally cool (his wife, by the way, totally knew something was up as every time Megan and I looked over at her, she had the glint of suspicion in her eye... good thing she doesn't know what beeching is) . The only thing I felt so bad about was our hasty departure from the race after we captured the beech. Greg still has no idea he was involved in such an elaborate social adventure... well not until I send him this link and he finds he has recently gotten more attention than he is aware of. So, I just want to say thanks to Greg for being such a good sport in all of this. You just got beeched!


The Moral Issues of Beeching

There has been some discussion recently as to what moral issues, if any, are raised by the art and science of beeching. I have examined these and would like to share some of the most common moral problems presented by the beecher.
Beeching may often be misunderstood by the non-initiated as making fun of someone. While the beeching community understands that this is not the case, in order to protect the feelings of those who may be harmed by a beech I have developed a few guidelines.
  • Do not beech children.
Kids are gullible and have fragile egos. This means that comedic genius may not be appreciated and may lead to life long psychological issues. As an example, I have issues trusting priests due to a comedic bit enacted at my expense as a child. While this mistrust of the clergy probably served me well, we do not want to foster a similar fear of cameras or beeching in the young as this would deprive them of many of things that make life worthwhile.
What if your beech involves a parent and their child?
Like many moral issues, the morality of a parent/child beech depends on the surrounding circumstances. If the beech is of a parent, and the kid is able to perceive that he is not being mocked, then you are probably O.K. If the kid positioned in such a way that they may think you are making fun of them, then you are probably beeching inappropriately.
What if the kid is upset because they think I am making fun of their parents?
Life is tough kid, your parents can take care of themselves.
  • Do not beech the mentally ill or challenged.
This should go without being said, but I am saying it anyways. This type of beech is wrong for two reasons. First these people already have it tough, do not make it worse for them. Secondly, this sort beech is really to easy to qualify as a good beech, and as such has no purpose other than practice. Note - Politicians do not fall into this category. Neither do professional athletes.
  • Only beech in appropriate venues.
Do not be fooled by this moral guideline. Most venues are beech appropiate. Case in point, churches. Some may say that you are disrespecting God by beeching in a church. These people are wrong, and probably stupid. God has a very good sense of humor. Look at the platypus, or George W. Bush. Most of the time God would appreciate a good beech. There are certain times, however, where a church will be hosting an event where a beech would not be appropriate. Beeching a bride during her wedding ceremony is probably not appropriate, be patient and get her during the reception, or even better, during the bachlorette party! A bris is another event which is probably not appropriate for beeching (although it must be noted that the bris beech could turn out to be the funniest beech ever, which may outweigh its inherent immorality).
  • Drunk People
Drunk people are absolutely fair game.
  • Photoshop and super fancy cameras
Photoshop is frowned upon. Beeching is a team event. If you pull off a fantastic beech, but your photog is unable to get close enough to capture it, then your beech is fatally flawed. The use of super fancy zoom cameras or the frame capture of a video camera is also frowned upon for similar reasons.

As I said earlier, this is meant to be a guideline, not absolute beeching dogma. Remember, beeching is a wonderful pastime that has the ability to bring the world closer together and probably feed the hungry, but please be sure to use the power o' the beech wisely. Let me know if any other moral issues have presented themselves to you during your beeching and we will examine them in order to continue our dedication to proper beech etiquette.

May the beech be with you, you son of a beech.


How much do we love Mark Wheat!!

Seriously, if there was an award we could give for being like the greatest celebrity would go hands down to him! He was so awesome!! He even tried to beech some of his own staff and random fair-goers, but he failed ridiculously... Maybe that's because he was famous... maybe beeching will get harder as Sam and I get famous. I can see it happening already... Franken couldn't keep his eyes off of us...

State Fair Beech!

So we did some really great Beeching at the State Fair last Friday and I do believe we were very successful! It turns out wandering the masses of families, teens, and couples leads to a variety of beeches that are quite amusing. I got the honor of beeching the state fair sign, which was very satisfying indeed. Let's take a look at what else we came up with...

After Megan got over the smell associated with livestock (in particular, goats) we captured this unassuming creature with its mouth full. Megan pulls off a great face while goat is totally into its grainy whatever-the-hell it's eating. Great job Megan!

After a few really awkward tries and a lot of people staring at us, we achieved this awesome beech of purse lady. Megan's timing as the photog was great as this woman caught us about .37 seconds after the shot was taken. How exciting! Man, that sun was bright!

This Week's Runner Up!

This week's runner up is a really great beech. First of all, we've achieved the "front beech" as we were waiting in line for some beer. Burnt orange polo man either assumes if he remains stoic the camera will miss him, or he isn't aware of his surroundings whatsoever. It's really a tossup, but again photog Megan nails it with a gutsy move of obvious picture taking. In this situation though, it proved to be very worthwhile and successful!

And Now for This Week's Co-Winners!

The state fair is crawling with celebrities both local and national. Look at this one we found at the MPR booth! That's right everyone! It's The Current's DJ Mark Wheat! As we schmoozed with Mark, we told him about our art of beeching. Turns out he wanted to get in on the fun too. Too bad he was a familiar and well-liked face at the MPR booth. With all eyes on him, he had a tough time sneaking around as a beecher. But he luckily was a good enough sport to stage a beech with us. Normally a staged beech wouldn't count for much but since Mark is a local celebrity who finds beeching amusing, it makes up for it and is one of our Beech of the Week winners! Yay!

Tied with our awesome beech we had with Mark Wheat are the two beeches we acheived with Al Franken. That's right everyone. Both Megan and I beeched Al Franken! Sweet!

We found Al at a campaign booth taking photos and signing autographs. Unlike our beeching photo with Mark Wheat, this beech is a true beech through and through! Al wasn't aware that a photo was being snapped of him. Or maybe he was, but he sure wasn't aware of the beeching Megan and I were up to behind him! The one with me turned out a little blurry, but we've got a good shot of Megan doing what she does best. Our proximity to Al could use a little improvement, but since he's famous we decided to include our beeches of him as co-winners of Beech of the Week! Congratulations Al! (like he cares)

So it looks like the State Fair provided us with some really great pictures! Thanks to everyone who unknowingly became part of our blog! And I'm personally going to award Megan with a kudos for photog of the week since she made some pretty bold moves out there. Thanks Minnesota State Fair!