
State Fair Beech!

So we did some really great Beeching at the State Fair last Friday and I do believe we were very successful! It turns out wandering the masses of families, teens, and couples leads to a variety of beeches that are quite amusing. I got the honor of beeching the state fair sign, which was very satisfying indeed. Let's take a look at what else we came up with...

After Megan got over the smell associated with livestock (in particular, goats) we captured this unassuming creature with its mouth full. Megan pulls off a great face while goat is totally into its grainy whatever-the-hell it's eating. Great job Megan!

After a few really awkward tries and a lot of people staring at us, we achieved this awesome beech of purse lady. Megan's timing as the photog was great as this woman caught us about .37 seconds after the shot was taken. How exciting! Man, that sun was bright!

This Week's Runner Up!

This week's runner up is a really great beech. First of all, we've achieved the "front beech" as we were waiting in line for some beer. Burnt orange polo man either assumes if he remains stoic the camera will miss him, or he isn't aware of his surroundings whatsoever. It's really a tossup, but again photog Megan nails it with a gutsy move of obvious picture taking. In this situation though, it proved to be very worthwhile and successful!

And Now for This Week's Co-Winners!

The state fair is crawling with celebrities both local and national. Look at this one we found at the MPR booth! That's right everyone! It's The Current's DJ Mark Wheat! As we schmoozed with Mark, we told him about our art of beeching. Turns out he wanted to get in on the fun too. Too bad he was a familiar and well-liked face at the MPR booth. With all eyes on him, he had a tough time sneaking around as a beecher. But he luckily was a good enough sport to stage a beech with us. Normally a staged beech wouldn't count for much but since Mark is a local celebrity who finds beeching amusing, it makes up for it and is one of our Beech of the Week winners! Yay!

Tied with our awesome beech we had with Mark Wheat are the two beeches we acheived with Al Franken. That's right everyone. Both Megan and I beeched Al Franken! Sweet!

We found Al at a campaign booth taking photos and signing autographs. Unlike our beeching photo with Mark Wheat, this beech is a true beech through and through! Al wasn't aware that a photo was being snapped of him. Or maybe he was, but he sure wasn't aware of the beeching Megan and I were up to behind him! The one with me turned out a little blurry, but we've got a good shot of Megan doing what she does best. Our proximity to Al could use a little improvement, but since he's famous we decided to include our beeches of him as co-winners of Beech of the Week! Congratulations Al! (like he cares)

So it looks like the State Fair provided us with some really great pictures! Thanks to everyone who unknowingly became part of our blog! And I'm personally going to award Megan with a kudos for photog of the week since she made some pretty bold moves out there. Thanks Minnesota State Fair!


Anonymous said...

Megan, I passed this along to James who works with Al. He will love it.

-Julie (who goes to the U of M with Matt. We met but it is cool if you dont remember me)

R-Dubs said...

Follow up, the Franken campaign discovered the beech shortly after our posting and was generally unamused. Come on staffers! This is some high quality web advertising helping people to realize that Candidate Franken isn't your average politico, but also possesses a sense of humor.

Eric Zuelke said...

I don't believe that Al would have a problem with this, since a cople friends of mine met him at the fair and took a bunch of goofy pictures with him and a Christopher Walken mask on a stick. He loved it and let them take a bunch of pictures.

I have a feeling that the person that contacted you could use a good beeching.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.