Looks like Scott here got the urge to beech at an art opening of sorts. While the photo quality isn't the best, we can definitely see his valiant attempt of beeching the one and only Scott Seekins! From what co-worker Scott told me, Scott Seekins is an artist who can be spotted from time to time in the uptown Minneapolis area. You know you've had a Seekins sighting when you come across a "Prince"-clad man dressed either entirely in white or black (depending on the season). Here's a sweet article I found about him: http://www.tcdailyplanet.net/node/3096
If we look closely at this beech, Seekins is totally unaware of the beeching that is taking place right in front of him! Scott, way to go! I think Scott Seekins beeching could be our next beeching mission if we're not careful. Watch out south Minneapolis!

Our next submission comes from co-worker Ryan who sent this over to me this morning. All I can say is wow. Not only do we have great proximity going on here, we also have an incredibly awesome pose by the passed out beech-ee. Of course Ryan's proximity is kind of a given due to the unconsciousness of his target, but the pose and face really add to this beech. Yay!
That's all I've got for now. Hey! Everyone should copy Scott and Ryan and send in more beeching submissions. The more the merrier. Also feel free to add your own commentary if you feel it necessary!
To Scott Seekins and passed-out dude: You just got Beeched!
1 comment:
Also, the second one is great because the unconscious guy has his hand down his pants!
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