I went to Gastof's at the beginning of October to celebrate the one and only Oktoberfest by drinking lots of beer and beeching some unsuspecting beer tent attendees. I just want to say congratulations to Becca who was my photog on the following pictures. She started off a little slow, but totally ended up capturing a very wortwhile beech!

I think Becca tripped over the Hammerschlagen game while focusing in on me popping out behind this guy while good ol' Ryan glared on over his beer.

An example of a failed Beech at it's best! Ryan here would have been golden had it not been for my uncanny capacity to tap into my peripheral vision. Ted ended up with a good face though...

And Becca redeems herself by capturing me and my crazy toothy frown behind white hat dude who apparently needs to balance his beer on his hip! Yay Oktoberfest!
Now for the second batch. I performed with my sweet improv group a few days ago and the cameras were whipped out for lots of silly photos...

Here's a partial Beech because I was aware (believe it or not) that the picture was being taken. However, I was NOT aware of the craziness behind me! Nate and Courtney totally worked their beeching magic!
And then there was John... (note: I sang St. Vincent's song "Marry Me John" to him that night... I hope he didn't get any ideas)
My teacher John Haynes was the guy who set me out on the famed "Beech Greg" excursion. On Tuesday night, we thought it would be a valiant effort to beech John ourselves. Nothing like making a fool of your teacher, right? (even though he makes a fool of himself on a regular basis)
Too bad he caught us on our first attempt. So I thought I'd take a picture of this guy pretending to go down on him with some beer instead...

However, we were able to distract him enough with our wit and humor to get this great beech of him. I think we lose a few points because Nick's arm is blocking part of his face, but Josh really pulled off a great face! And if we look closely, Tyson is in on the action as well. The best part is that John has NO CLUE! After this one, I think we were the most popular kids in the bar for about 2 minutes. Sweet!

John! You just got Beeched!
More Beeching to come! Word on the street is that I'm getting a submission soon. Yay!
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