Awww. Look at that super cute picture of Andy and Ashley in front of the famous Arch! They are such a cute and touristy couple. Even the sun added a little glint of perfectness to their memory of St. Louis. Oh special day!

But gasp! Upon further inspection (and picture taking) it looks like there was more going on than a tourist moment. It looks like Eric decided to beech the act of taking a picture! Very creative Eric. Bravo! While it is obvious that Andy and Ashley are aware of this beech (how could they not?) I still give points to Eric because of his twist on things. Plus photographer Fred has no clue that his "art" is being beeched. Yay St. Louis Arch!
So since Eric was the only one who supplied any pictures this week, I guess he gets Beech of the Week by default. Yay Eric!
1 comment:
Good memories!!
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