Meet Kristina everyone! Kristina and I both work at an anonymous online university in the registrar's office where we do things like count credits and change grades all day. How exciting. Here's Kristina with her boyfriend Matt. Oh my god, too adorable. I'm going to vomit!

Anyway said online university holds a big gala party every year and this year there was some beeching that was going on! Kristina helped me out by being my photog. My goal of the night was to beech the CEO of the online university of which we are employed. It was going to be tricky since I was wearing a green sequined dress. And I guess if things went terribly awry I could have potentially lost my job (though I think I just say this to add suspense to the story).

With Kristina carefully in place with the camera I snuck up behind our oh-so beechable CEO (in the blue) and gave it my best beeching shot! Hooray! Although I think lady in the red flowery coat was onto me, it was totally worth it.
The best part was explaining what I had just done to him afterward. He had no idea what I was talking about. Good thing he also had no idea who I was.
More beeching to come soon!! (I hope)
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